Friday 20 March 2015

Annoying things people do that pissed me off #1

Having a conversation between two people in a whatsapp group.

Which leads to countless notifications that have got nothing to do with you. Seriously people? If you just want to ask only ONE PERSON in that group about his/her life, then just freaking text him or her alone! Don't spam the group with your useless texts for godsake. It is one of unwritten rule of whatsapp group. Do I need to spell it out for you?!

Bende camni pun nak kene ajar. Huh

Monday 9 March 2015

Why I hate people #1

Lazy shameless people

I hate lazy people who doesnt go to hospital at all and then ask me whether there is a case with finding. Which bed which bed? What do you think I am? Go to the freaking ward and find the patient yourself. I dont understand why there are so focused on only finding patient with findings when they cant even do a proper normal examination first. It just makes me mad.

Thats all. A rage this short should just be tweeted not blogged. But I dont have twidder anymore. Damn.

Saturday 7 March 2015

Why am I here

It is approximately 2 months post-twitterdeactivation. Im itching to write random useless shit like I used to on twitter but I have promised myself not to go back to that because I had became too dependant to it to release my stress and tension. Im doing well without it for awhile but then life become progressively more and more stressful so I decided to sign up for a blog account. I can write longer here, and I hope nobody I know would read whatever I write here. Anyway this is not the first blog I created. I got bored pretty easily and then forgot my passwords and the name of my previous blogs that I think this new account would suffer exactly the same fate in no time.

According to my plan for tonight, I am supposed to be studying after maghrib prayer. Somehow that did not happen. After prayer, I ended up counting all the coins in my piggybank and oh wow I have quite a lot of money in there. (RM175). While counting money I felt angry to myself because my target today is to finish studying all diseases in the cardiovascular system. Slim chance of that. Anyway I studied a few pages, and suddenly an idea to create a blog occur and thats why im here right now. Damn I got distracted so easily I want to cry.

The internet is being so shitty right now that I cant upload my piggybank picture. The piggybank is not a pig morphologically, its a bear-shaped and is 100% halal. But hey who cares what by bearbank looks like. Why do I bother  to put up a picture I have no idea. Maybe its because I think an entry will look lot nicer with some image in it regardless of how useless the picture is.